Dietary Requirements

An important consideration in wedding cakes is accommodating dietary Restrictions and Preferences for guests. You can order dietary cake options that suit your Health and Lifestyle Considerations, such as gluten-free, vegan, dairy-free, eggless, or sugarless diabetic options. Based on our knowledge and experience, we can customize the ingredients to meet your dietary requirements while preserving the flavor and quality of your dessert.

Make sure you ask if any of your guests have allergies, and if they do, inform us to prepare your cake in an area without traces of the offending substance. If your cake includes something people are likely allergic to, like nuts, label it and let your guests know.

If you have a relative with limited dietary, that doesn’t mean your whole cake has to be prepared with limited ingredients and flavors. You can order different tiers with different tastes, styles, and ingredients. Ask us to create a specific tier for that dietary requirement.